
CERN: Alice: Curiouser and Curiouser', Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 27th March - 31st December 2021.

posted on 2021-03-27, 13:50 authored by Mariele NeudeckerMariele Neudecker
Addressing her ongoing interest in the intersections of extremes in environment and scale, both digital and analogue, Neudecker has worked with particle physicists at CERN since 2015 to research the means by which new scientific knowledge is constructed and interpreted and how that shapes our understanding of nature and matter.

This item contains a 1 minute excerpt of the film and soundtrack of The Eye, a transcript of the soundtrack, an exhibition press release and catalogue, and 17 further images of working and filming in and around the A.L.I.C.E detector.

This item documents the inclusion of The Eye [A.L.I.C.E. | A Large Ion Collider Experiment | v1] 2020, commissioned as part of the Alice: Curiouser and Curiouser exhibition at the V & A, London. The Eye 2020 is a 3 minute digital work on a single static monitor of tracking shots made in the A.L.I.C.E detector at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider. The soundtrack to The Eye consists of extracts of sounds and interviews Neudecker has conducted and recorded with physicists at CERN since 2015.

As The Eye (2020) is currently being exhibited at the V & A , the full 3 minute version with sound cannot be shown here. A 1 min excerpt with a separate audio soundtrack and transcript is presented instead, with permission of the V&A.

Curated by Kate Bailey, Alice: Curiouser and Curiouser is an immersive exhibition exploring the books origins, adaptations, influences and reinventions. It was due to open in June 2020 but because of the Coronavirus Pandemic it has been rescheduled to open on March 27th 2021.

: Benjamin Jones, Simone Einfalt. Images used with permission courtesy of the photographers, the artist and CERN.

Audio Interview excerpt used with permission courtesy of CERN physicist Professor Alan Litke.

With many thanks to: Despina Hatzifotiadou (A.L.I.C.E. Detector, CERN Physicist), Monica Bello (Director: Arts at CERN), Alan Litke (Professor of Physics, University of California, Santa Cruz).

The work is under copyright and may not be used without permission. Use of this repository acknowledges cooperation with its policies and relevant copyright law.
