
Deep Sea: Sediment, Limerick City Gallery of Art, Limerick, Ireland, 6th September - 17th November 2019.

posted on 2021-03-27, 12:04 authored by Mariele NeudeckerMariele Neudecker

The works developed for Deep Sea resulted from Mariele Neudecker's collaboration with scientists and explore the hidden, often contradictory, aspects of the deep ocean. Focusing on the theme of the sublime in a contemporary context Neudecker questions our perceptions of, relationship to and impact on this invisible world.

This item contains a detailed description of works featured, a press release, 19 exhibition views and a list of the specifications of all 9 Deep Sea works.

This item documents the inclusion of 9 works from Neudecker's Deep Sea Collection that were shown in Sediment, her solo survey exhibition highlighting key strands in the artists research, held at Limerick City Gallery of Art in Ireland, (6th September until 17th November 2019).

Photography: Benjamin Jones. Images used with permission courtesy of the photographer and Limerick City Gallery of Art.

One More Time 2017 was also shown in Ocean Imaginaries, RMIT Gallery, Melbourne in 2017, Offshore, Ferens Gallery, Hull, Unity In Diversity at Tblisi History Museum, Georgia and The Vestibules , Bristol in 2018.

The Improbable Always Happens Sometimes (Sediment) & (Descent) 2017 was also shown at Offshore, Hull Maritime Museum, Hull 2017.

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