Deep Sea: Unity In Diversity Bristol and Tblisi, Tblisi History Museum, Georgia and The Vestibules, Bristol, September 2018.
The works developed for Deep Sea resulted from Mariele Neudecker's collaboration with scientists and explore the hidden, often contradictory, aspects of the deep ocean. Focusing on the theme of the sublime in a contemporary context Neudecker questions our perceptions of, relationship to and impact on this invisible world.
This item contains 2 exhibition posters and a project outline, a short installation video of One More Time, 7 images of exhibition views, and a composite image of stills from the video.
This item documents the inclusion of One More Time 2017 in the Unity In Diversity: Bristol and Tblisi 1988 - 2018 Exhibition at the History Museum in Tblisi, Georgia and The Vestibules, Bristol. This exhibition was organised by the Bristol Tblisi Association to mark 30 years of friendship and demonstrate commonality and diversity of Bristol and Georgian contemporary art. The exhibition included Neudecker's video installation One More Time (The Architeuthis Dux Phenomenon), a 2 minute and 35 second tracking shot of the12-meter Giant Squid and baby Colossal Squid that are held in a 10m long formaldehyde-filled tank in the basement of the Natural History Museum, London.
One More Time 2017 was also shown in Ocean Imaginaries, RMIT Gallery Melbourne, Australia in 2017 and at Ferens Gallery, Hull as part of Offshore, Artists Explore the Sea curated by Invisible Dust in 2017.
Photography: Images used courtesy of the Bristol Tblisi Association. Used with permission.
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