
Elbow - Talks and Workshops

posted on 2021-03-25, 17:59 authored by Jenny DunseathJenny Dunseath, Ian Dawson, Mhairi Vari, Claude Heath, Michael Colegate, Nicola Thomas, John Greenwood, Dr Andrew Jones, Dr Marta Diaz-Guardamino, Louisa Minkin
In August 2015 the C&C Gallery hosted an innovative residency program, Elbow, which transformed the public gallery into a dynamic studio environment to facilitate the production of artworks in response to ideas surrounding the condition of blindness and alternative ways of seeing. Through collaborative making and interdisciplinary workshops, the programme investigated ways of guiding, seeing, doing, and making, and explored how digital technology might change our ‘vision’ and understanding of forms.

This item contains information about the talks and workshops that took place during the residency, including a talk and workshop with John Dickinson-Lilley and a workshop with Ian Dawson. The talk by John Dickinson-Lilley can be accessed in full here. For related links see 'References' below.

C&C Gallery website screenshots used with permission of Dr Joanna Gore and Emily Gore (

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Arts Council England
