Material Soundsystems: Bloom, God’s House Tower, Southampton, November 2019 - January 2020.
Material Soundsystems explores the possibilities of forging symbiotic and dynamic connections between the seemingly opposite properties of sound and matter. This research is bought together in 3 new projects, Mute, Ecstatic Material and Bloom where live performative experiments are conducted to test how sound animates materials and materials create sound.
This item contains a project outline, an exhibition invite and publication, a 7 minute film by Jared Schiller documenting the installation, 2 preparatory drawings, 9 views of the installation and testing of Bloom, 5 of the opening performance, 2 views of the In Conversation, 2 of the rooftop performance and a GHT exhibition programme.
Commissioned by God’s House Tower, Southampton, for their 2019 - 2020 exhibition programme, Bloom was a site-specific installation inspired by the sights and sounds of passing container ships viewed from the roof of God’s House Tower, Southampton. Its title, methodology and choice of materials was informed by the 17th century painting Night Blooming Cereus by Philip Reinagle and Abraham Pether. On 12th December 2019 an In Conversation took place with aspace Arts Director Daniel Crow followed by a rooftop performance where Harrison attempted to ignite elements of his installation under the light of the moon.
Photography: Dana Donatau. Images used with permission courtesy of the photographer and God's House Tower.
Bloom Exhibition Publication designed by Charlie Newhouse November 2019. Used with permission.
Other promotional material included courtesy of God's House Tower and Southhampton City Council.
Film by Jared Schiller. Used with permission.
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