
Material Soundsystems: Ecstatic Material 5, Process and Development.

posted on 2021-03-28, 21:13 authored by Keith HarrisonKeith Harrison
Material Soundsystems explores the possibilities of forging symbiotic and dynamic connections between the seemingly opposite properties of sound and matter. This research is bought together in 3 new projects, Mute, Ecstatic Material and Bloom where live performative experiments are conducted to test how sound animates materials and materials create sound.

This item contains a document outlining the artist's working process, 2 short films, 1 animated gif, and 20 images of drawings and working methods.

This item documents the processes involved in the development of Ecstatic Material. These include initial static drawings from 2015, early plastic bubble experiments, schematic drawings, designs and experiments with pump systems; material tests with composed sound in the studio in 2018 and final testing of backdrop and soundsystem arrangements at Karst before the first Ecstatic Material performance in February 2019.

Photography: Dom Moore, Keith Harrison. Images used with permission courtesy of the photographer and the artist.

The work is under copyright and may not be used without permission. Use of this repository acknowledges cooperation with its policies and relevant copyright law.
