
Public Acts: Brutal and Beautiful: 50 Years in the Life of Preston Bus Station, Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston,Lancashire, 21st September - 24th November 2019.

posted on 2021-03-28, 09:41 authored by Keith HarrisonKeith Harrison
Public Acts brings together 2 projects that through temporary public intervention, seek to alter perceptions of our daily interactions in public spaces, turning the functional and recreational into acts both poetic and performative.

This item contains a project outline, an exhibition leaflet, a quad screen video, 2 video stills, 3 installation views, 3 images of soundtrack cassette and a score drawing.

This item documents the inclusion of Conductor 8 Movements, a 3 screen installation, in the exhibition Brutal and Beautiful: 50 Years In the Life of Preston Bus Station to mark the 50th Anniversary of Preston Bus station held at the Harris Museum and Art Gallery, Preston. The 3 screen installation was a film created by Jared Schiller from CCTV footage of a live 60 minute choreographed performance that Harrison staged at Preston Bus Station, involving 32 buses and a team of volunteers on 14th July 2019. The soundtrack to Conductor 8 Movements was created by Preston Field Audio and was produced in cassette form for the launch of the exhibition at the Harris Museum on 21st September 2019.
Conductor 8 was commissioned by 'In Certain Places' and the Harris Museum and Art Gallery.

Film and photography by Jared Schiller.
Film and images used with permission courtesy of the photographer.

Soundtrack by Carl Brown, Preston Field Audio.

Design & Artwork by ROHTUL XEL

Used with permission.

A link to Conductor via bandcamp:

The work is under copyright and may not be used without permission. Use of this repository acknowledges cooperation with its policies and relevant copyright law.


Arts Council England

Heritage Lottery Fund

Preston City Council
