
Public Acts: Tombstone (let's get over this): Acts of Making Festival 2015, Wolverhampton, Gateshead, & Plymouth.

posted on 2021-03-28, 09:41 authored by Keith HarrisonKeith Harrison
Public Acts brings together 2 projects that through temporary public intervention, seek to alter perceptions of our daily interactions in public spaces, turning the functional and recreational into acts both poetic and performative.

This item contains a project outline, a festival brochure, 2 developmental drawings,12 images of Tombstone in 3 UK locations and 5 Plymouth College of Art exhibition views.

Tombstone (lets get over this) was commissioned by the Crafts Council for their Acts of Making Touring Festival in 2015. Harrison was 1 of 6 invited contemporary artists whose work approaches the act of making in performative and ephemeral ways. Tombstone (let's get over this) was a collaborative performance work developed and performed at two urban skate parks as well as a public skate event in Bilston town centre. The project invited skateboarders to become makers in the grinding of a specially made stone bench as a form of social sculpture.

Link to Tombstone video @ Gateshead

The Act of Making Festival was delivered in 3 UK locations:
1. 14th-28th February 2015 Bilston Town Centre, Wolverhampton
2. 7th-21st March 2015, Dynamix Skate Park, Gateshead.
3. 12th-26th September 2015, Prime Skate Park, Plymouth.

For a list of other participating artists please refer to the Festival Brochure in this item.

Photography: Dom Moore and Sophie Mutevelian. Images used with permission courtesy of the photographers.

To access the The Plymouth Principles, please follow this link to the Plymouth Culture website:

The work is under copyright and may not be used without permission. Use of this repository acknowledges cooperation with its policies and relevant copyright law.


Arts Council Strategic Touring Fund
