
Re-writing the machinic anthropocene - Symposium: Digital Ecologies and the Anthropocene

Version 2 2020-08-21, 16:34
Version 1 2019-10-08, 10:56
posted on 2020-08-21, 16:34 authored by Charlie TweedCharlie Tweed

‘Re-writing the Machinic Anthropocene’ asks how speculative fictional methods can be used within the field of media art, to expose the materialities of digital technologies and to bring into view non human 'voices' and perspectives.

This item contains documents from the symposium which included a dynamic range of theoretical and practice-based interdisciplinary responses from researchers, artists, filmmakers, writers and theorists. It aimed to foreground new political arguments, new modes of behaviour, new narratives, new languages and new creative forms. This symposium built on the methods and findings that were developed in the first part of the research project. It engaged directly with the research question: ‘How can a symposium and thematic journal issue be developed that highlights these methods and interrogates similar innovative approaches within media art research?’

The symposium included a range of innovative practice based approaches that were being used to interrogate and rethink the relations between digital technologies and the anthropocene.

The symposium was curated and organised by Charlie Tweed, who also presented a paper at the symposium.
