
Social Experiments: Knowledge Is Power: 6 Towns 2017: Process and Methods

posted on 2021-03-28, 20:17 authored by Keith HarrisonKeith Harrison
Social Experiments brings together 2 projects, Material Environments: Bad Shit and Knowledge is Power: 6 Towns. Rooted in place and history, both projects research the capacity for material and socio political transformation through live scientific experimentation, production and participation to suggest new ways of thinking.

This item contains a contextual outline of the project's methods and processes,10 working preparatory drawings, 5 images of the clay book making workshops, 2 designs for the cage and folding chairs, a list of the 6 Towns Collection of Books, an image of the Dewey Classification System and the Electrical Colour Codes, 2 images of the metal folding chair and 2 photos of books from the 6 Towns Collection.

This item documents the processes undertaken and methods used in the creation of Knowledge Is Power: 6 Towns, including clay book making workshops, the live firing sequencing and the design and fabrication of folding chairs for the reading room.

Knowledge Is Power: 6 Towns was staged as part of the British Ceramics Biennial 2017 at the Spode Factory Site, Stoke-On-Trent, UK on 23 September until 5 November 2017.

Photography by Darren Washington and Peter Jones. Images used with permission courtesy of the photographers and BCB.

Chair drawing is by Peter Jones. Used with permission.

The work is under copyright and may not be used without permission. Use of this repository acknowledges cooperation with its policies and relevant copyright law.
