
Social Experiments: Material Environments: Bad Shit, The Tetley, Leeds, UK, 4th May - 8th July 2018.

posted on 2021-03-28, 20:17 authored by Keith HarrisonKeith Harrison
Social Experiments brings together 2 projects, Material Environments: Bad Shit and Knowledge is Power: 6 Towns. Rooted in place and history, both projects research the capacity for material and socio-political transformation through live scientific experimentation, production and participation to suggest new ways of thinking.

This item contains a contextual project outline, an exhibition guide. promotional pamphlet and flyer (courtesy of The Tetley gallery), 10 exhibition views, an extract of the Asteroids film loop, 5 images of the Tetley Weekender Workshops and 3 preliminary drawings.

This item documents Harrison's participation in Material Environments at The Tetley in 2018. Along with 4 other artists Harrison was invited to respond to the building's industrial heritage and develop work that would evolve during the exhibition. Focusing on the site's history as a brewery the installation involved live intervention in the fermentation process to produce CO2 gas in one gallery space which was pumped through to inflate a 2.5m balloon in another. An adaptation of Asteroids, a 1980's video game on a continuous loop, reflecting the alchemical shifts in the ongoing CO2 production, was displayed on a monitor as part of the installation. Harrison conducted public workshops during the Tetley Weekender on 19th-20th May, live testing the CO2 by-products to create special editions of Bad Shit to give away to the public.

The exhibition was curated by Ben Roberts Director of the Artists’ Research Centre.

Photography by Jules Lister. Images used with permission courtesy of the photographer and The Tetley.

Asteroids loop made in collaboration with Carl Slater. Used with permission.

The work is under copyright and may not be used without permission. Use of this repository acknowledges cooperation with its policies and relevant copyright law.


Arts Council England

Carlsberg UK

Esmee Fairbairn Foundation

Leeds City Council
