
The Habits of Artists - Noticer, Tate Modern, 2014

posted on 2021-03-25, 18:42 authored by Natasha KiddNatasha Kidd, Jo Addison
By understanding the patterns and routines in artists’ behaviours as unique features of creative knowledge making, The Habits of Artists seeks to deepen our insight into art learning. Employing a unique platform through which the audience is engaged in public learning as performance, the research asks whether we can find fitting frameworks for communicating the complexities of art practice, in which often subjective and bespoke logics drive creativity.

This item contains photographic documentation from the event Noticer, commissioned as part of Tate Modern's one-week international Summer School programme, 2014. Participants from a range of disciplines joined artists, curators and teachers to explore the role of 'noticing' as an unplanned, generative, performance-based and participatory structure to give a platform to emergent concepts which harness the event of learning. The item also contains links to further details of the Summer School on the Tate website and the Noticer website (see 'References' below).

In the first image a primary school teacher attempts to record the act of learning at the moment of its occurrence on a full scale replica of a revolving university blackboard circa 1970.

Photographs courtesy of Ana Escobar, Oliver Cowling, and @Tate.

Used with permission.


Freelands Foundation
