
The Moons Trick: Prayers 1-39 (Sound Installation and 39 Drawings) 2017, The Korean Cultural Centre, 2017 London, Exeter Phoenix, 2018.

posted on 2021-03-28, 22:11 authored by Young In HongYoung In Hong
The Moon's Trick is an exhibition of two new commissions (a sound installation, Prayers 1-39 and performance, Looking Down From The Sky), and a series of 6 embroidery works that explore the dialogue between embroidery, sound and musical performance. Drawing on an archive of post war Korean photographs Young In Hong looks at the unexplored time and space of history by translating it in multiple ways.

This item contains a descripton of Prayers 1-39, an audio extract of the Installation, 8 photo-score drawings, 8 exhibition views at 2 venues, 1 pdf of an Artists Book 'Prayers 2017' (produced by Young In Hong with funding from the KCC), an exhibition catalogue, and press release.

This item documents Prayers 1-39 which is comprised of 39 drawings and a sound installation. The 39 drawings were stitch-drawn based on selected photographs of incidents in post war Korea. The embroidered lines of these drawings in turn became photo scores for the immersive sound installation.

Photography: Kii Studios & Photography, Luke Andrew Walker. Photography and video included courtesy of the Korean Cultural Centre (KCC) and Exeter Phoenix. Used with permission.

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