16 files

(Dis)enchanted Walking - Honouring Esther: Extended Phase. Esther's twitter statement. A selection of files documenting social media, other networked engagements and the exhibitions/installations at 44AD Gallery, Bath and BSU Corsham Court.

posted on 2021-03-24, 18:28 authored by Richard S. White

Two public walking arts projects, Honouring Esther and Sweet Waters, developing a critical walking arts and media practice bringing past injustices into present consciousness generating contemporary social justice resonances.The live work offers an iteration of walking-with (Sundberg 2014) as a non-confrontational approach attending to obscured and reluctant heritage (Tomory 1997).

This item contains documentation of the following:

Honouring Esther 2015-17

Aim: to develop a critical participatory walking arts and media practice bringing past injustices into present consciousness generating contemporary social justice resonances.

In this item: statement by Esther Brunstein networked worldwide via Twitter and SoundCloud, other sample documentation and screen grabs from the Honouring Esther project presented in exhibition/installation at 44AD Gallery Bath, Beaumont Gallery, Wiltshire and BSU Corsham Court. The samples include screen grabs of social media trails, images of documentation produced by walkers in exhibition, including notes books and curated screens. The project website holds more including remote networked responses by other walkers to the project call.

Project Outline: The route of a Nazi Death March traced and transposed to Somerset, returned and re-traced in Lower Saxony, Germany. Experimentation with media and juxtaposed registers of walking forms part of Richard White’s investigation of walking art as social justice intervention. Social media. Curated media. Somatic activity. Honouring Esther accessed formal and informal survivor testimony of a Nazi death march.

Project website:

Aggregated Social media trails via Social Hiking:




The Stephen Clark 1957 Charitable Trust

Frome Town Council

Bristol Hanover Association

Bath Spa University

Crowd Funded-Indiegogo
