
Creative Computing Coding Circle (part of Doing Together 2023)

Creative Computing Coding Circle

Workshop with Coral Manton, Dave Webb, J Ponte, Ron Herrema and Sam Sturtivant as part of doing together 2023.

Monday 3 April 2023

doing together is a yearly two-day making and sharing practice symposium at Locksbrook Campus, hosted by Bath Spa University’s Centre of Cultural and Creative Industries and Art Research Centre. Workshops, delivered by staff and PGR students from across the University, share practice-based research methods and a broad range of approaches to practice. doing together is proposed as a generous space to make/do/share and discuss practice with colleagues from a range of different Schools. Throughout the symposium, facilitators - alongside participants - test out ways of doing together in an effort to make their practice-based research explicit, rather than simply describe it.

As computational artists, creative technologists and digital designers, in Creative Computing writing code is a core aspect of what we do. We invite you to come and do or code with us.

For many people interested in computational making, but unsure of how or where to start, coding looks scary. It often looks like people writing code are seamlessly communicating in a foreign language - a strange syntax of words, numbers and symbols. In fact, doing or coding is a messy process of trialling methods, testing, breaking and debugging, before code ‘works’.

Participants were invited to code through a process of making, unmaking and remaking. Working collaboratively, facilitators and participants used different coding languages to make patterns with code - the outputs of which took the form of sound, visuals and interactions.
