Molecular Music grew out of the danceroom Spectroscopy (dS)
project, an arts/science collaborative project exploring molecular dynamics
allowing users to interact with a scientifically-accurate molecular simulation
through movement in real time. Where this interaction was originally through
movement, in Molecular Music Hyde led a project to explore interaction through
sound, both in a solo audiovisual performance (Cloud Chamber) and in
collaboration with other musicians.
This item contains a paper from the proceedings of the XVII Generative Art Conference, written about the project, as contextual information.
Please cite only using the reference below. The article is under copyright and may be accessed for non-commercial, personal use only. Use of this repository acknowledges cooperation with its policies, as well as applicable law.
Hyde, J, Mitchell, T and Glowacki, D.R (2014) 'Molecular music: repurposing a mixed quantum-classical atomic dynamics model as an audiovisual instrument.' In: Soddu, C and Colabella, E, eds. Proceedings of XVII Generative Art Conference. Domus Argenia, Milan, pp. 169-187. ISBN 9788896610305.