
Puppetry as reinforcement or rupture of cultural perceptions of the disabled body

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journal contribution
posted on 2019-01-21, 13:24 authored by Laura Purcell-GatesLaura Purcell-Gates, Emma Fisher
This article proposes puppetry as a practice uniquely situated to intervene in ideological constructions of the disabled body both onstage and off. Examining our current and recent practice-based research that uses puppetry to intervene in cultural perceptions of disability, we put forth a provocation, asking readers to consider the ways in which puppetry practices can be deployed to enable performances by disabled puppeteers as well as in ways that engage with cultural constructions of disability. We suggest that puppets, as bodies that are materially constructed, can both reinforce and rupture such constructions.

Accepted version (without final proof corrections) of article published in 2017 in Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, 22 (3). pp. 363-372. ISSN 1470-112X. Official URL:
