
Dramaturgies of Hauntology - The Strange Geometry of Time (2018) - Performance Video

online resource
posted on 2021-03-24, 15:27 authored by Mary Steadman
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Dramaturgies of Hauntology encompasses two performances, The Strange Geometry of Time (2018) and Dwelling (2019), both of which aim to creatively activate theories of Hauntology and Spectrality, either through the haunted subject, placing the singularity of the self into doubt, or via explorations of ‘agency’ in places devoid of human existence, testing the implications of the uncanny in derelict locations.

This item contains a link to the video of the performance The Strange Geometry of Time, in the University Theatre, Bath Spa University, November 1st 2020.

Filmed by Alice Barton and Rory Buckley.
Shared with permission.


