
danceroom Spectroscopy 2.0 - Video: Hidden Fields Performance at ZKM (Excerpt)

online resource
posted on 2021-03-22, 18:28 authored by Joseph Hyde
The material referenced in this item is located externally on the Vimeo platform, and can be viewed in full by accessing via the provided link.

danceroom Spectrosopy (dS) is an interdisciplinary digital arts exhibition and dance/music performance inspired by the scientific study of microscopic phenomena. Presenting fundamental research in an interactive, immersive and aesthetically compelling format, dS invites participants to literally step into and play with a rigorous atomic and molecular dynamics simulation. The system captures participants using volumetric cameras and interprets their movements as ‘energy fields’, which are embedded within a cloud of particles that is rendered and projected in real-time.

danceroom Spectroscopy is usually presented as a public installation with a one-hour dance performance with four virtuosic dance performers entitled Hidden Fields.

This item documents an excerpt of the performance at Zentrum für Kunst und Medien (ZKM) in Karlsruhe, Germany.
