
Victorians Decoded: Art and Telegraphy (2016-2017)

Posted on 2021-03-11 - 10:18
Victorians Decoded: Art and Telegraphy celebrated the 150th anniversary of the first successful communications cable laid across the Atlantic Ocean, connecting Europe with America. A collaboration between Guildhall Art Gallery, King's College London, The Courtauld Institute of Art and the Institute of Making at University College London, the exhibition used iconic Victorian paintings and early telegraphic objects to explore how cable telegraphy transformed people's understanding of time, space and speed of communication.

This Collection contains information about the exhibition Victorians Decoded: Art and Telegraphy, Guildhall Art Gallery, City of London, 20 September 2016 - 22 January 2017. The exhibition was the final output of an AHRC-funded project entitled Scrambled Messages. The central outputs, the exhibition and accompanying catalogue, are documented by the inclusion of catalogue entries and photographs of the exhibition. Contextualising information includes a 300-word statement, research timeline, research questions, documentation of curatorial processes, and information about various research workshops, conferences, and symposia that took place as part of the Scrambled Messages project.


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Arts and Humanities Research Council


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