
doing together 24

Posted on 2024-11-18 - 12:35 authored by Conor Wilson


Thursday 4 and Friday 5 April 2024

doing together is a yearly two-day making and sharing practice symposium at Locksbrook Campus, hosted by the Centre for Cultural and Creative Industries in collaboration with Bath School of Art, Film and Media and Bath School of Music and Performing Arts.

Workshops, delivered by staff and postgraduate students from across the University, share practice-based research methods and a broad range of approaches to practice. doing together is proposed as a generous space to make/do/share and discuss practice with colleagues from a range of different Schools.

Throughout the symposium, facilitators – alongside participants – test out ways of doing together in an effort to make their practice-based research explicit, rather than simply describe it.

doing together 24 was concluded with a plenary session delivered by Dr Lauren Redhead (Reader in 20th and 21st Century Music at Goldsmiths) who shared her thoughts & findings from the symposium.

Further, for doing together 24, the Michael Pennie Gallery was proposed as an active site: facilitators and participants were invited to share works, provocations, and reflections that will be installed in the gallery over the two days, tracing the symposium’s happenings - culminating in an exhibition displayed for a week following the event.

The contents of the collection can be found by scrolling to the bottom of this record.  

The contents are:

1. doing together 24

2. Static FM (Keith Harrison, Jerome Harrington and Karen Richmond)

3. What do I want to be? (Anna Gravelle)

4. Finger-pot-pen-word-thumb (Dr Conor Wilson)

5. Site, Dance and Body: Worlding human-nonhuman relations through site-based movement (Professor Vicky Hunter)

6. The Record Player Orchestra (Roger Clark)

7. Making Art: The Game (Karen Woodfield)

8. Defining Care: Objects, Students, Archive (Helen Cobby, Rebecca Davies and Sarah Morton)

9. The Precarious Greenhouse - Plunder and place-less-ness (Claire Loder and John Taylor)

10. FlourishCafe: ‘Flourishing through 'doing’' Art (Eri Mountbatten-O’Malley)

11. Augmented Reality Workwear (Amber Lamonby-Pennie)

12. Inventory of Behaviours (Jenny Dunseath and Natasha Kidd)

13. Sites and speculations: Writing the more-than-human (Charlie Tweed)

14. On Care of our Commons Home: Storying alternative futures for the commons (Sharon Gardham)

15. Holding Space (Stacey Pottinger)

16. Biodiversity Ring: A Million Small Acts Professor Penny Hay and Poppy Clover

17. Reading Pictures in Company (Andrew Southall)

18. Impact Knit and Knatter (Dr Astrid Breel)

19. A Gathering (Sally Wetherall) 

20. Feeling Dressed (Dr Lucy Gundry)

21. The algorithms are us. The data are us. (Dave Webb and Nigel Fryatt)

22. Play Build Play: Sensory City (James Sale and Holly Dabbs)

23. thinking through knowing through doing (Dr Lauren Redhead)


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