
Forests and Trees: Hanging Gardens: Parallel Lives, 2017 New Cancer Centre, Guys Hospital, London, UK.

posted on 2021-03-27, 11:29 authored by Mariele NeudeckerMariele Neudecker
Forest and Trees focuses on research into landscape as metaphor for the human condition, the Contemporary Sublime, human psychology, atmospheric conditions and subjects surrounding climate change.

This item contains a project proposal, an outline of conceptual aims, an extract of the audio visual installation,13 images of the making and installing of the work , and a short description of the finished piece.

This item documents the making and installation of Hanging Gardens:Parallel Lives an audio visual work commissioned for the 3 main passenger lifts at the New Cancer Centre at Guys Hospital, London. Shot in the Ecuadorian Rainforest, at the Tiputini Biodiversity Station the installation features vertical tracking footage rising above the 35m forest canopy and back down to the forest floor. Linking the urban jungle with the rainforest, the installation aims to create an engaging, therapeutic space for patients as well as raising awareness of rainforest destruction.

Cinematography: Laurie Lax & John Taylor.
Sound: Jan Meinema, Bath Spa University. Manus Pitt, BBC Natural History Unit, Bristol.
Post Production & Editing: Andy Moss.
Photography: Laurie Lax , John Taylor and Mariele Neudecker. Images used courtesy of the photographers.

All materials used with permission.

The work is under copyright and may not be used without permission. Use of this repository acknowledges cooperation with its policies and relevant copyright law.


Guys and St Thomas' Charity
